Tuesday, February 28, 2017

BLOG: Blog v Wiki

Blogs and Wikis are used by many people daily. They both give a type of power to the writers behind the posts. I feel blogs are more personal compared to wikis. Blogs are controlled by the creator itself, as they posts about what matters to them or what they want to speak out about without additional comments, at least in the original post. Whereas wikis are a continuation of information being passed along, where people can add to the posts. Also it seems like Blogs can be used by the anonymous to express things without the repercussions. Such as when Maureen Dowd wrote in the New York Times, " Stung by the Perfect Sting", about a Model who found she was awarded to be the "Skankiest in NYC," by an anonymous blogger. Most people probably did not seek this blog, however he anonymous blogger wrote about how she felt the model was a "ho" and "skank" and found out who the actual blogger was through her resources.

It's important to allow all types of communication to be connected in today's networked world. Everybody is communicating in different channels (instagram, snapchat, etc.) in different ways, such as blogging, posting on facebook walls, or even vlogging. One may connect better in one way than another, but having an outlet for all different channels is important so we can all relate. Relate to each other's content and be able to discuss/contribute ideas.

Blogs can be used in a collaboration rather than just individual use. People can come together to speak or express as a unit. Also just as in the article, "Brooklyn Blog Helps Lead to Drug Raid" by Michael Wilson where many bloggers helped the police track down on multiple drug nuances in the Bay Ridge area. Bloggers were noticing suspicious activity around there neighborhood which led the police to finding there was a crack house, that led to arrests. Just because blogs are usually created by individuals there can be a collaborative effort.

A new use for wiki that has not been done before can be a fact checker added to the pages. Since wikis are available for editing from anybody there is always a chance of false information being shared. In order to avoid that issue, there should be an added fact check to ensure the correct information is being passed along.

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Project Purpose

I would like to explore social media and it's social networking aspect. I am going to be discussing the pros and the cons of the sociological angle of social media, having to do with the development and structure of different social media. I would also like to speak on the morality one has when it comes to social media. Lastly I want to discuss the educational opportunities of social media. All showing pros and cons. I will do this with a series of research having to do with social media and statistics in each case. I would also like to conduct a survey for multiple millennials in regards to my project.