Monday, May 1, 2017

Next New

A new type of "new media" would be a more extensive virtual reality. Opposed to signing in on a website and being transmitted into an online world imagine using virtual reality through a headset such as an Oculus rift. An Oculus rift  is a special headset that transports you into different virtual realities. Samsung has a VR headset too, that with your phone you can enter different places all over the world, cliffs, underwater, and even in the desert. Although this phenomena is not new, imagine being able to network within those virtual realities with other people around the world. There could be set destinations where you can interact with people all over the world with this headset This can create international social networking. Also it creates a space of similarities to be shared and even beautiful scenery from across the world. It can provide alternative travel methods, for people who may have a fear of flying or don't have access to traveling whether it's personal or economical. This new media will provide another resource of exploring, and being able to do it from the comfort of your own home is always appreciated.

Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Wiki So Far

I contributed to the YouTube wiki page. I added another section called YouTube TV. The day it launched, I found an article with the information on the new developing technology. YouTube took on another platform of media. They are in the progress of building this new subscription service. This service will contribute to the necessity of cable being obsolete, such has Netflix and Hulu programs. I will continue to research this topic as it is still developing. 

I have also been going through the wiki pages to see if any catch my eye for more research. Although looking through social networking, I want to contribute the research I did for my paper. The topic was social networking so I have a lot of knowledge I want to share on the subject. 

Monday, April 24, 2017


File sharing is the ability to contribute your own work or files to other people.

According to NMA Staff in "Content producers should take advantage of P2P, not fear it"  they specify that P2P file sharing is peer to peer distribution of content.

For example, The Pirate Bay is a website when you can share files with other peers. The initial concept of the site was to advertise the Steal This File. There are other blogs notated in this blog such as "Digg, Slashdot, and BoingBoing" to bring people together to download multiple files.

Wednesday, April 19, 2017


New media comes with plenty of issues with privacy and confidentiality. For example, In the New York Times, Tim Arango published an article "As Rights Clash on YouTube, Some Music Vanishes" where he goes into depth about the copyright issues on YouTube. Warner Music has a partnership with YouTube to monitor footage uploaded by anybody with possible issues of copyright issues. Resulting in these issues people are subjected for their videos to be monitored on a daily basis which violates privacy at a certain level. Also videos do get taken down if there is an issue found with it. Another article in Wired by David Kravets, goes into detail about how Google was opting to manually go through copyright issues that arise on Youtube. However this article was updated two days later stating that Google has retracted that statement. Youtube does need to manually go through the videos rather than taking it down automatically because some of the content that is published do not violate any rules of confidentiality and privacy. These are some issues that arise in new media and privacy.


  Using new media to improve Baruch can initiate constant evolving. As students we use media to research, to be up to date, and share amongst each other. Suggestions I can make is suggesting a platform that includes all of the new media we can get. As in having one domain for vlogging, blogging, posting, sharing, etc. Having all these accessible concepts, allows us as students to find everything in one content. Instead of having different accounts through different platforms, having to remember passwords and different usernames. There should be news and entertainment occuring together to give the most information at once. Speed and consistency is what we seek when looking for information. To have an organized domain appealing to everybody at every demographic and putting a creative spin on it is what I would suggest for applying new media to Baruch. It would have to be like nothing created before, which is why suggesting everything in one domain would give more access at a faster rate.

Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Creativity and New Media

I decided to give Second Life a try because I do know people who use it and have recommended it to me before. I started by creating my avatar by selecting one of the choices provided. I was then given instructions on how to navigate through the game with which keys on the keyboard. After going through 5 steps to be entered into the "Social Life" Where you can communicate with others in the vicinity, change your appearance and have access to all the settings. You can morph your voice. There's an active map to show you all the people near by. All tools provided for the character to walk, fly and jump. 

HW Creativity

New media continuously generates new creative content. With all the new platforms provided more people are expressing new types of art. In "Disney Tolerates a Rap Parody of Its Critters. But Why?"  of the New York Times discusses the popularity of mashups with familiar characters. Both Disney and Nickelodeon characters have been starring in music videos created by users using recent music. These users take snippets of old shows and match them with songs and create the video. This is one example of how new media fosters creativity. The ability of editing, shooting, and publishing gives individuals creative imagination. It brings a sense of nostalgia too. 

Disney Tolerates a Rap Parody of Its Critters. But Why? The New York Times, September 24, 2007; available at